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VIOME has no power supply. What happened? The workers at Viome Coop, after the aggressive move of the government to cut off the electricity at the factory, we try by all means not to stop the production of our products, which at the given moment are of the highest need for the society.With the endless contribution of solidarity people, we can – in general – work at the factory and at the moment satisfy all of you who support our struggle by buying our products.

Day by day, our struggle becomes more and more difficult.

The production that keeps us alive must not stop for a minute more!

We are asking for the help of the global movement in restoring the power or acquiring a generator, so that we can continue the production without obstacles and also help us become more independent. We, therefore, call all unions, collectives, Greek, European and global comrades to help in obtaining a generator with biodiesel capability which costs 32.000€. Solidarity is our weapon!

— In solidarity, Workers at Viome Coop

Thessaloniki, Greece


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